Sunday, December 31, 2006

It is the eve before the 2007 year. Where has the time gone? Everyone says this, but I know it to be true: the older you get, the faster the time goes. Just imagine what it will be like once we have a family!

True to our reputation, we decided to stay at home tonight rather than go to any parties. We have spent the last 2 weeks with a house full of family and, though we love them, we were ready for some time to ourselves. Most of the evening has been spent watching Season 1 of 24. We started watching this show shortly into Season 2 and have never seen the first Season. I have heard that Nina killed Teri, Jack's wife, but we are 16 episodes in and, so far, Nina is an angel. No signs at all that she is on the dark side.

We started watching Season 1 with Allen's parents while they were here visiting for the last week following Christmas. We got them hooked on the show a couple years back and, since they had to fly home today missing the rest of the first season, they asked if we will send it to them when we finish (we own it).

We look forward to a new season of 24 beginning in the next 2 weeks as well as a New Year full of wonderful experiences and memories!