Friday, January 14, 2011

Our Winter Wonderland

We were warned last weekend that a storm was coming, one that would likely bring snow, but we'd had dustings of snow previously this year and so didn't expect too much. We awoke to this view outside our kitchen window Monday morning. Needless to say, school and work were closed! 

Doesn't Luke look like the kid from A Christmas Story who can't put his arms down? Cracked us up.

We headed over to a side of the lake that has this huge hill. I think our entire neighborhood was there, too, there were so many people. Everyone was so giddy and excited to be out of school and work. It does snow in Memphis, but not like this very often, so it was a big deal.

 Mommy and Luke getting ready to head down the hill! Just in case, I bought Luke some snow pants Sunday afternoon because he had nothing else to wear if it did snow. So glad I did! Should have bought myself some snow boots while I was at it...

Of course Annie was in on the fun, too!

Luke was beside himself over the snow. He loved it. Loved throwing it, stomping through it, eating it, loved it. He cried when I made him go inside and take off the snow bib. He tried to put it back on himself. 

And here are the red cheeks warming up inside!

I wonder if we'll get another snow fall this year? Maybe not quite like this. How cool it is after so many years in CA to live in a place where it actually snows at your house and they cancel school/work because of it! May not be a big deal to some, but we loved it!