Saturday, May 06, 2006

Lectures wrapped up last night. It wore me out, but it was so good to see old friends. Today was the first Saturday in months that I did not have work or homework to do. I didn't sleep in too late because our guest bath tub was getting finished up. Sarah and Donna ran a few errands and I went to Best Buy to pick up a few things. I made an effort to do basically do nothing all day! I pretty much succeeded. The next couple of weeks will be spent getting things ready for my parents and the Emersons to visit. I've got office furniture to put together and boxes to empty. I've got quite a few books I want to knock out this summer. First on my list is to finish God's Politics by Jim Wallis.


Brett, April, Caden, Corban & Eden said...

what? we're just "the emersons" family connection?! looking forward to seeing you guys (and your place) very soon! love ya! -april