Sunday, November 25, 2007


This year we celebrated Thanksgiving with Allen's family in Dallas (well, Arlington for those who know the area). We stayed with his grandparents, arriving on Monday evening. Rick and Leslie joined us Wednesday evening. Granny Dot was up and cooking at 6:00 am Thursday morning! Max, Cindy and the boys came for the feast along with GrandDad's sister, Nita. SO much good food and all the right traditional dishes meant we had to hit the gym first thing Saturday morning!

Although it was about 75 degrees the first couple days of our visit, the temperature quickly dropped and by Thanksgiving day, it was snowing! Here we are trying to catch some flakes on our tongues:

Another exciting event also took place end of that week -- we now have 2 nephews! Born in Ghana, Africa, Corban Emerson made his appearance on November 23, 2007.

It was a great week full of family and afternoon naps. I guess we're ready to go back to work now. :)


Anonymous said...

It was wonderful getting to spend some time with both of you. It has been too long!! The shopping was fun,too. Sarah, Rick and Allen might not like this because it could be dangerous, but I wish we lived closer so we could shop together more often.=-)
I'm glad you got home safely and are safe from the fires at this point. We had rain all the way home Sunday evening- we were glad it was just rain and not ice! =-)
Love you both,
Leslie & Rick